'Tis the season for holiday shopping and vehicle break-ins! In order to keep yourself and valuables as safe as possible, please keep the following in mind:
First, don't leave anything out in plain sight in your vehicle - jackets, sunglasses, and even your old work boots can be sold for a couple of bucks.
Second, if you warm up your vehicle before driving it, make sure you can watch your vehicle while you wait. If you can't spare the time to have coffee while watching your car through the front window, a cold car is better than no car at all.
Lastly, make sure to take extra time looking around whenever you are arriving or leaving somewhere - whether you are simply pulling into your driveway at home, leaving the grocery store, or walking to your car after work. This time of year we see a large rise in property and person-to-person crimes. Sharpening and using your observational skills will allow you to avoid some situations altogether.